
Welcome to New Hampshire High Power Rifle League.

NHHPRL is a competition rifle league… The goal of the league is to promote “High Power Rifle Shooting” in a safe and fun environment. There are currently 5 local clubs that participate in the league, we typically have 5-6 matches at each club, all scores will be applied to a NRA classification at the end of the season.

Matches typically cost $10.00 per a shooter, the course of fire is 10 shots offhand, 20 shots fired in the sitting position and 20 shots in the prone position fired from 200 and 300 yards. Matches typically run fast, and allow you time to get home to still mow the lawn or other chores you may have.

There is a banquet at the start of each season for awards and social gathering, if interested, please come out and visit us, it is open to the public. For more details please see the “Calendar” and “ByLaws“.

League Secretary


NHHPRL 2023 Awards Banquet and 2024 Business Meeting will be held on Saturday, April 13, 2024, at 12:00pm (noon) at Pemigewasset Valley Fish and Game Clubhouse.
See news letter for details.

This year’s news letter is out, view it here.

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